Final Registration Guide

Please click here to read the 2024-25 Registration Guide for International Students.

Click here to sign and send the document.


  1. Please read the application guide and all the information on our website
  2. Find out your placement status by logging into the application system.
  3. Pre-registration dates: 01.08.2024-07.08.2024
  4. If you have been placed and you see the program you have been admitted to in the system, please deposit the tuition fee for the program you have been admitted to the account below to complete your pre-registration. You can find out your tuition fee at Please check your program’s tuition and ensure you deposit the correct amount. You should only pay the Fall semester tuition fee of the program you have been admitted to. The University is not responsible for transferring the fee to the wrong account number. Please pay attention to the account information. In case of depositing money to the wrong account, the fee will not be refunded. Please write your name, surname, passport or ID number, and the name of the program you are enrolled in on the explanation section of the fee receipt you deposit to the bank.


Türkiye Halk Bankası

Account Name: Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi

Branch: 344 (Erzincan Şubesi)

Account No: 04000240

IBAN: TR15 0001 2009 3440 0004 0002 40



Türkiye Halk Bankası

Account Name: Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi

Branch: 344 (Erzincan Şubesi)

Account No: 04000242

IBAN: TR85 0001 2009 3440 0004 0002 42

  1. Send an e-mail to with the receipt showing that you have transferred the tuition fee to the relevant account. Please do not forget to include your name, surname, passport/ID number, and the department you are enrolled in in your e-mail.
  2. When you complete your pre-registration and send the receipt to e-mail address, your Letter of Acceptance will be sent via e-mail. Students who do not complete their pre-registration will not receive an Acceptance Letter.
  3. Students who do not complete their pre-registration within the specified period are deemed to have waived their rights. In this case, the application can be made for additional announcements to be opened.
  4. When you receive your Letter of Acceptance, start the visa process. Visa procedures are the responsibility of the student. No document other than the Letter of Acceptance will be given for visa procedures. However, if requested by the Embassies/Consulates, an e-mail will be sent to the Embassy/Consulate to confirm that you have completed your pre-registration and that you are eligible to study at our university.
  5. Due to the new residency process, documents will not be accepted by shipping or power of attorney. You must complete your visa procedures and submit your documents in person by the date written on the Letter of Acceptance.


  1. The Student Affairs Department will carry out final registration and residency procedures.
  2. Final registration procedures will be carried out face-to-face. In other words, you must come to the Student Affairs Department of our University with your documents to complete your registration. Registration cannot be done by shipping/mail or power of attorney.
  3. Deadline for final registration: 11.10.2024
  4. After receiving your student visa, complete your final registration documents and come to the Registrar’s Office of our University. The Registrar’s Office is located in Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Yalnızbag Campus, Faculty of Education.
  5. Be sure to prepare your final registration documents in full. Click to access the documents required for final registration.
  6. You are also required to complete your residency procedures at the time of final registration. Please read the information on to access the documents required for residency. You must submit the documents in full.
  7. It is the student’s responsibility to follow the final registration and residency processes.